Intermittent fasting is a diet that offers…

Intermittent fasting is a diet that offers…

Intermittent fasting is a diet that offers better health and fitness. It helps us in self-restraint and discipline as well as in acquiring proper eating habits. With this we can lose weight but also maintain our weight at a stable level if we have lost a lot of weight...
Living in real moments means…

Living in real moments means…

Living in real moments means paying attention to the moments of your life as they unfold. In real moments you are fully present, with all your senses open, fully alive.B.D.
The issue of vitamin C

The issue of vitamin C

The issue of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps in quick recovery from colds, is currently topical and recently it has been reported that it would be good to take it as a shield against the corona virus. We should point out that it has not yet been proven by research and...
Vitamin D is important for the health of bones…

Vitamin D is important for the health of bones…

Vitamin D is important for the health of bones, teeth, muscles and immunity. We can check it with a blood analysis and at low levels it is recommended to take a nutritional supplement with a sufficient amount of vitamin D units so that we reach the desired...
The trace element iron is needed in the body…

The trace element iron is needed in the body…

The trace element iron is needed in the body for the creation of haemoglobin and for the transport of oxygen in the blood, for the immune system and for the development of the human body. In addition to animal foods, it can be found in quinoa, oat flakes, sesame...