It’s okay not to have breakfast as soon as you open your eyes
Most people are not hungry in the morning when they wake up. In our bodies during the early morning hours we have a high production and blood flow of cortisol and adrenaline two hormones that prepare our bodies for the start of the day. This readiness from the ancient times of man to fight, run to protect himself, avoid danger, or hunt for food is still present today even though it is not necessary for us. So this is how our body prepares itself for a good start at the beginning of the day. Because of the above two hormones there is enough sugar in our blood when food is not necessary at that moment. We could also carry it 2-3 hours after waking up. We have the energy we need, why should we burden our body with sugared breakfast cereals or different kinds of breads and snacks like all breakfast products as soon as we open our eyes. Think about it!
It’s okay not to have breakfast as soon as you open your eyes