Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation? Perhaps you could try treatment with abdominal massage, changing your microbiome and, if desired, ear acupuncture. You can learn the massage method yourself and use it at home. It is an easy and painless method since it does not involve any risks. Before starting with the massage, however, the health professional, despite the riskiness of the treatment, examines the abdominal organs with ultrasound to ensure that there are no unknown problems that will be aggravated by the method. Such as abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute inflammation of the gallbladder, large ovarian cysts, etc. A thorough massage of the stomach, liver, bile, small and large intestine area will then be performed. After about 4 to six times you will definitely see results and you can learn the technique and use it at home. Do not hesitate to inquire in our clinic about this method.