Intuitive eating : Listen to your body.
Listen to what your body wants to tell you. Something that is so easy has been lost over the years. The natural feeling of fullness is distracted by external influences such as advertising and an abundance of food. Most diets teach us on the prohibitions and one blames fats and one blames carbohydrates. With intuitive eating everything can be eaten. Eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Although it sounds easy, however, we must first re-educate ourselves so that we can correctly interpret our body’s signs whether it is really hunger or just appetite. So-called fattening foods are also allowed because what is forbidden makes us crave it. Over time our body will put itself in moderation to the forbidden things. Regular meal times must be established. Snacks if you don’t need them and are not hungry don’t have to be eaten. During eating concentrate only on that and leave everything else you are doing. Distracting actions also reduce our ability to recognize the feeling of fullness.
Intuitive eating : Listen to your body.