We live in a society where people drive to the gym to sit on a bicycle that doesn’t move a metre or run on a treadmill that is always in the same place. We don’t want to diminish the necessity of the gym something very good for our health. But use it to strengthen specific muscles, to increase your muscle strength, in healing and strengthening after injury, and in being guided by an expert to beautify your body. For running or cycling, go out in nature and breathe the air of the forest or the sea because it is not only what calories you consume that counts but also what air you breathe. Research has shown that when you run in a forest the substances produced by the trees stimulate your immune system. In the sea we breathe iodine, not the sweat of the person next to us. The changes in images are good for our brain, our eyes, our ears and our psychology.
We live in a society where people drive to the gym…