As a country (Cypern, our country in German), we are again in the lead. In the highest administration of antibiotics to animals, with different ones and especially those that end up on our plates. No matter what campaigns are run by the medical world and we try to convince our patients that they do not always need antibiotics. If they don’t take them themselves, they will get them in much larger quantities in their food. What does that mean? Antibiotic resistance and non-active treatments to infections for many of our fellow humans. Every day around the world thousands of people die for this reason. Looking at the table we see that our country is 2 times higher than the previous, penultimate country in the order, Poland. And when we look at the levels of other countries, it is obvious that we can do better. Since nothing can be done at the state level, would it not be good for each of us to change our diet?
As a country (Cypern, our country in German), we are again in the lead